Tuesday, March 16, 2010

From Arthur

I tend to agree with the men who contribute to this website…. Read it all at



Arthur's Response to the Government Leviathan

I just received an envelope from the US Census Bureau informing me that the Census will be sent next week. So let me get this straight...you are sending me a letter to tell me that the Census will be here next week? Really? In an era of out of control government spending and suicidal debt levels our government decided that spending at least $100 million dollars to send out these waste-of-time notices was prudent. Just another example of a government that has become a Leviathan, ever growing, ever present and increasingly hostile to the People. I know, I know...the Census is something that is delineated by the Constitution. Its purpose WAS to reapportion Congress and provide the government a road map of present and future revenues. Now its been turned into a "Make sure to respond so your area can get the funding it NEEDS". It is now an excuse for more debt spending, more income redistribution and more government intrusion into your life.

There are three approaches you can take on the Census. One is to answer the questions honestly. This, to me, is unconscionable. The government is not our friend and they don't need to know a fucking thing about our living arrangements. Fuck them. The second approach is to under report or not answer. People who do this are on the right track...this cuts the number of dollars the federal government will be inventing to shove into your neighborhoods and schools. Not answering is respectable for the simple reason that spending five minutes corresponding with an Obongo-led government is six minutes too much. The third approach is one that I am taking, I am going to over-report like a motherfucker.

The Arthur household is going to have 40 retarded, paraplegic refugees from every piece of shit area on the planet. Why? Because I want to fuck their numbers up. I don't want the government to have any idea of what is going on in local areas. The Federal Government is now an enemy of the people and as far as I am concerned anything I can do to make them over fund is something I should do. I implore everyone to make up silly ass numbers. You want to throw those pieces of shit for a loop? Tell them you have 200 kids. If enough people just made up random numbers it would minimize the accuracy of the Census and thus robbing the government of its ability to target certain areas for increased funding (minority laden areas to be sure). If your neighborhood has thousands of refugees from Haiti you KNOW your school district is going to be getting a ton of money from the government. All the money is fake anyway so it may as well come to your neck of the woods.

My overriding point to this request is that we should not trust the Federal Government for any reason. Giving them an honest representation is an invitation for them to rape you in the face. Fuck all that. I would love nothing more than the Census Bureau (undoubtedly rife with piece of shit unionized Federal workers) to throw up their hands and say "We cannot accurately model the population". This is just one way for me to send them a message. The message is that I don't like you, don't trust you and want you to be destroyed. Yes...I said that. I love America and what we stood for but this government is not that government. This government is bent on the destruction of the country we grew up in and if you think they won't use the Census to further their redistributive destruction you are naive and foolish. I am glad to throw a wrench in the Obongo America Destroying machine. I sincerely hope that all of you do the same.

Pass this article along to your friends and family. If enough of us stand up and raise our middle fingers we will make our point.



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