Saturday, April 10, 2010

No, bad Idea.

Gun advocates divided over proposed bill on concealed weapons
PHOENIX -- Even among gun advocates, opinions are mixed over the bill that would allow Arizonans to carry concealed weapons without a permit or hands-on training.

At Shooter's World in  Phoenix, some, like Susette Tenney, voiced support for the bill that Brewer is expected to sign into law next week. She said gun owners should not have to buy a permit from the government to carry concealed weapons.

"I'm carrying a gun and it's going in my purse and I want the right to do that," she said.

Firearms instructor Dave Gushert said that training was important, and that the new bill might be a problem. In addition to safety, he said people carrying firearms should also know the laws about when it is legal to use a gun for self defense.

"Everybody thinks Arizona is the wild west and that you can just draw from the hip and go, and this is going to get a lot of people hurt or in trouble," Gushert said.

Nonetheless, advocates of the bill said they did not need the government to mandate training.

"I don't like the idea of anyone telling me I have to do anything," Tenney said.

If signed, the new bill will still require gun owners to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon inside of restaurants that serve alcohol and outside of Arizona.

Alaska and Vermont are the only other states that have similar laws.
Untrained idiots with no familiarity with the rules of escalation of force.  Gap toothed, mouth breathers now can hide their guns under their sweat stained, chicken grease covered t shirts.  I feel so much better.  I think with the injuries and discharging of guns that is soon to come, this with be a litigation cash cow for the state.

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