Sunday, August 23, 2009


Cash for Clunkers = SUCKERS

Alright, lets get to the point: who is really going to benefit from the so-called Cash for Clunkers Redistribution of Income? 

DEALERS:  So far most of them are afraid they aren't going to get paid, and if they do, will it cover the costs associated with taking in all these POC vehicles and transporting them to their destruction?  Who is paying for the destruction, by the way?  But for now, the straggly and hungry wolves roaming car lots are just happy to see sheep return to the aisles.

BUYERS:  What is the best way to fuck up your credit?  Trade in an old (but paid off) jalopy for a new car with a great new payment!  And don't forget the insurance rates on a new car are much higher than on your old car.... I believe this will end the same way the Zero Percent Financing spree resulting from the September 11th attacks did:  massive repossessions.  Only this will take just a few month, not a year like it did then.

TAX PAYERS:  Riiight.... who do you think is paying for this?  Santa?  Have you heard the new phrase "ten year deficit " projections?  This means we are not raising taxes just now.... we are getting you slobs used to hand outs first.  There will be health care, stimulus spending, all the grand and glorious things with pretty utopian names or acronyms, all slop for greedy, lazy piggies.  But ten years from now.... when Obama cannot possibly still be in office, the bill comes due.  To be laid at the feet of a different president, and different taxpayers... who probably are too young to have gotten much benefit out of this stupid spending spree.

I have said it before: the economy runs in cycles, it goes up and down.  Sometimes a little farther than we'd like.. but it cycles back eventually.  Raising ta taxes and government spending is not the answer.  Paradoxically, lowering taxes is the answer.  The more money I keep from my paycheck is what drives the economy: if I spend it.. you sell something, and the guys who made it and delivered it all get something from my buying.  If I save it in a bank, the bank loans it out and someone buys something.  Put put goes the economy.  Taking more from me when I am already hurting and then giving it away as a "stimulus" generates nothing but anger from me and a feeling of entitlement from the recipient.


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