Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boo Hoo; We have opposition..... Boo Hoo.

Bill Clinton speaks of vast, right-wing conspiracy

WASHINGTON — Bill Clinton says a vast, right-wing conspiracy that once targeted him is now focusing on President Barack Obama.

The ex-president made the comment in a television interview when he was asked about one of the signature moments of the Monica Lewinsky affair over a decade ago. Back then, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton used the term "vast, right-wing conspiracy" to describe how her husband's political enemies were out to destroy his presidency.

Bill Clinton was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether the conspiracy is still there. He replied: "You bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically. But it's as virulent as it was."

Clinton said that this time around, the focus is on Obama and "their agenda seems to be wanting him to fail."

No shit... did he just now figure out that opposing parties always want the other guy to fail?  Or is this the "epiphany of insight" only available to former Presidents?  And by "conspiracy", does he mean "hidden agenda serving the selfish desires of the few" (like a blowjob or the ruination of a good cigar) or does he mean an "organized and loud opposition to your own conspiracy"?

Cut my taxes... I promise to buy American made.

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