Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just me this time.

I am a conservative.  Have been since Reagan took office.  I don't toe the "Party Line", and tend to take issues one at a time.  It's never good to be a sheep.  In support of this, I would produce my voter registration card which shows my Independent status for about 20 years.  I have my beliefs and core values, and while they tend to stay the same, I am open to discussion on many things.  I can't imagine I will ever have all the facts on anything.
A core belief of mine is this:  American Republicans and Democrats are overwhelmingly conservative. 
There is a center to this country that has Faith in a God.  They think abortion should never happen because you shouldn't get pregnant with all the precautions available, and if you do...... what the hell did you think sex was for?  It is the Law of the Land that abortion is legal, but it is the Law of Biology and God that it is also murdering an innocent (if not yet viable) life form.
There is a large part of us who believe gun ownership is a right not to be tampered with.  We like to hunt, plink, look tough, blow things apart and as long as we do so safely, what's the problem?  I also feel that those of us who carry for protection have a realistic view of the craziness of our unpredictable world and police response times.  First there's the crime, then call 911, then the cops arrive.  The crime and violence is usually over with when they arrive.  Not their fault, it's the way the Constitution prevents them from rounding up criminals before the crime has been committed.
Most of the country also believes that it's a bad idea to spend money you have not earned yet, from people who may not be old enough to earn it yet.    While deficit spending is useful in mortgages, if you go crazy spending money based on future earnings you will get fucked up.  And spending money to stimulate the economy is the worst idea ever.  All it does is create short term activity, like caffiene.  If there is not ongoing spending (like thru a tax cut) there  will be no good done to the economy.
I also believe the far right and far left of both Parties are nothing but self serving, concieted attention whores.  Don't preach values and morals to me and get caught jacking off in a bathroom.  Don't tell me I have to sacrifice for country and health care when you live in a mansion and will not be part of this new utopian folly you want to foist on us.

And stop calling Tea-Party activists Tea Baggers.  It shows nothing more than your juvenile mentality and lack of decency when you keep repeating this on national TV and radio.  Yeah, we got it the first time you said it..... we ignored you because sticks and stones etc.

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